"For I have come down from heaven not to do my will
but to do the will of him who sent me."
John 6:38
What's Your Morning Routine?
If you are like me, mornings are a battle of wills, mine vs. God's. But why?
For me, the "urgent" things in life get a grip on me. I know the morning is the best time to get things done. Typically, our energy & creativity are highest in the morning.
Let's Clarify...
So, now we need to clarify what the "urgent" things are.
MD5 taught us to prioritize the top 5% of our daily tasks that only we can do for the greatest impact in our day.
And our top 5% is not hard to determine because they are standard to every person.
1. Invest in our relationships with (God, Family & Friends)
2. Steward our (Body & Resources)
3. Cultivate responsibilities at (Church & Work)
This is Crucial!
The list is numbered for a reason. Failing to invest daily time with God, as the highest priority, is the difference between a self-centered & a God-centered day and life.
Once you prioritize daily time with God. Now, work for quality, self-less time by seeking His will, not your own.
Follow Jesus' Example
Jesus said, he came "down from heaven...to do the will of him who sent me." (Jn.6:38)
He also intentionally started his day "very early in the morning" by getting alone with God in "a solitary place" and he prayed. (Mk.1:35)
A New Focus
I confess that I am finally learning to not only pray consistently but also pray selflessly, for God's will to be done, not my own. Because of the MD5 discipleship process, I am now aware that my relationship with God has been primarily self-centered.
Now I pray more like Jesus models, to do the Father's "will" and "work", not his own. (Jn.17:4 & Mt. 26:42)
God's Will for Our Lives
Develop this self-less habit and your life will reflect God's glory. And by his grace he'll give you ultimate daily purpose & production beyond what we "can ask or imagine, according to his power." (Eph. 3:21)
Ryan Johnson
MD5 Facilitator