“Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price.
Therefore honor God with your bodies.”
1 Corinthians 6:19-20 NIV
A Desolate Picture
Nowadays you can google just about anything. If you google men’s health statistics, you can find tons of factoids to paint just about any picture that you’d like.
I’ll give you 3 that I find very sobering and that paint a pretty desolate picture of men’s health.
Men are twice as likely to die from preventable causes than females
Men live on average 5 yrs less than females and the last 9 yrs on average are in poor health (14 years your wife will either live without you or be taking care of you)
70% of men’s health issues are preventable with lifestyle changes
Kingdom Work
Men, God has commanded you to take care of your bodies. He has commanded this so that you can do His kingdom work. These statistics would say that the average man is not doing that. The average man is avoiding responsibility, loves passivity, and doesn’t have the energy to lead his family or invest eternally.
Outlive Your Wife
I don’t know about you, but my life plan includes in the “fitness” F to outlive my wife. I don’t want for her to ever have to “take care” of me because of something I could have prevented. Fitness and health are no different than any other aspect of your life that you’ve studied in MD5. You have to have a destination in mind and then form a plan to get to that destination.
Drifting Doesn't Apply Here
You can’t “drift” into being healthy. You must be intentional. Find a doctor if you don’t have one. Get a plan. Stick to that plan.
Your Physical Foundation
By rejecting passivity and accepting responsibility for your health, you will have the energy to lead your family in a way that God desires. You will be able to invest eternally in those around you. You will have the physical foundation to be the man that God has called you to be.
Thad Hardin
MD5 Facilitator